Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 17. Day of Nothing

I think that every blog post so far has been written while KT has been downstairs making popcorn. Popcorn actually does sound kinda like 'blogging' if you say it 10 times fast. I dare you.

Two notes of business:

-I'm renaming my blog. I'll keep the URL the same, but it will no longer be "My Thoughts on Katie's Thoughts". To my dismay, it is much harder than I thought it would be to write a blog simply commenting on KT's blog. It was good in theory, I suppose.

-I guess my second note of business is mostly stemming off the first; I'm just gonna go with my own flow, now. KT, I love ya, but it is SO hard to comment on your writing. I guess you're just that perfect. ;)

Today was rather boring, unfortunately. As you all know, I'm extraordinarily brilliant, so when I tell you that I left our alarm set for 6:20, you shouldn't be surprised. Thankfully I was able to hit snooze as quickly as possible and change the alarm while still half-asleep. I'm praying KT won't seek revenge. OH! side note-we actually really hate each other now and have put up a sheet in our room so we don't have to see each other any more. I'm just too messy and she sings too much.

Not really...though we have discussed how to hang a sheet from the ceiling if our friendship deteriorates.

We had a thrilling 3 hour rehearsal today. It went pretty well! I think the worst part was the fact that I had to put a leotard on on a Saturday. :( Why can't we just wear T-shirts and track shorts to dance? It would be so much easier...

After rehearsal KT and I had a good time blasting some music in one of the empty studios as I 'helped' her choreograph her piece. She's got some really great ideas; I'm excited to see how it turns out. The music is beautiful, as well. If you haven't heard it yet, its "Lips of an Angel" by the Hinder String Tribute. We also had a good time jamming out (her singing wonderfully and me croaking(like her ring tone)) to many other songs in her music library.

Speaking of her ring tone...Katie has the most amusing ring tone. Instead of a normal song or obnoxious buzzing, her phone emits the sound of a bullfrog. This has been quite useful to her, as she has left her phone on accidentally during class. On a couple of occasions I have heard croaking sounds coming from the corner of the room, by KT's bag. No one notices, however. I'm waiting for a teacher to ask us to catch the frog in the studio. Careful, KT!

I should stop writing, KT and I have marvelous plans for this evening. For those of you didn't know, we are actually staying at a mansion (with A.C.) that is hosting several balls. Wish us luck with our ballroom dancing skills.
As you might notice, 'Today' is not actually today, but is actually Thursday, July 1st. Due to multiple requests (demands) by my mother and other parties for another blog post, here is the one I began writing three weeks ago. Give me a few moments and there should be another post updating you, faithful reader, on our shenanigans.

Coincidentally, I am posting this while KT is downstairs making popcorn.


This will probably be a quick post...I'm trying to write this while KT is downstairs making popcorn. I'm definitely using my typing skills! I've decided to ditch getting caught up, as I'm just a little too far behind. Here is a brief recap of the past couple days:

Monday was good. Placement class was entertaining, just as last week's. I enjoyed yet another round of the American Idol-esque auditioning, and then KT and I headed off to our Ballet 3 Technique Class. We had Natalya (Ms. Getman) for tech, just like last week. In fact, I've noticed that this week is modeled much like last week. We are getting many of the teachers in the exact same order! Immediately after lunch we headed back to Founders (my favorite studio. It used to be MCI's chapel, but it was converted into a dance studio. There is a really cool loft, and often we see people looking down on us from the third floor.

***KT just came back with the popcorn. The microwave is horrible! It only popped about half the bag of popcorn. It's a good thing she went downstairs instead of me, though. I have a tendency to get lost down there, usually watching whatever happens to be on TV at the moment (tonight was So You Think You Can Dance).***

Anyways, after lunch we headed to Founders for character with Anna (Mrs. Karpova). Luckily for us, she gave us a relatively easy class. After a short center variation, she let us take a break before we headed over to Parks (MCI's old gym/converted studio) for the Sleeping Beauty auditions. Mr. Bossov had all the upper level girls perform excerpts of the Fairy and Jewel variations. After what seemed like hours, the teachers had a quick whispered conference before scribbling down a few names and ending the auditions. To our dismay, however, they did not post casting, and in fact, we still do not know the complete cast list.

Tuesday went much like Monday, with an almost identical schedule. We began rehearsals around 2:30. I am sharing a Fairy role with one of my good friends here. We are really excited about getting to do a variation (even though it is killing our feet). Right now in our rehearsals we are learning the Prologue of Sleeping Beauty. The music is absolutely beautiful, and it definitely helps take our minds off our feet. Us dancers (and the teachers, too) are definitely feeling the pressure, though. Each week we are learning a whole section or act that we will show to Mr. Bossov that Friday. It's a LOT of choreography to cram in.

Yesterday was good as well. The weather was GORGEOUS! I want to live up here, I think. There hasn't been a day yet where it has been uncomfortably hot. Unfortunately it is really frigid some mornings. It almost feels like an NC winter up here! We had pilates before lunch. It would be an understatement to say that it hurt. Ms. Getman was certainly intent on making us much more flexible. After lunch we had partnering. One of the things I liked about our teacher (Mr. Karpov) was that he had us rotate partners every combination. It was nice having a variety...taller and shorter partners, more and less experienced. Class was certainly more entertaining! (I may have been dropped once or twice, as well) For hump day, Wednesday wasn't bad at all.

And that brings me to today! Today I woke up shivering. One glance outside showed the beginnings of a dreary, rainy day. KT and I dogged the rain showers and puddles as we ran to class. We spent generous amounts of time trying to warm up our freezing muscles (this can also be understood as sleeping) before class started. We had class with Mr. Karpov, the funniest teacher here. He says the most hilarious things! He enjoys showing us exactly what we are doing wrong, and then comparing it to some animal. If we are lucky, he even impersonates said animal, complete with sound effects. Technique was followed by pointe in Parks.

Monday, June 28, 2010


There is a spider in my shower...his name is Ralph Lauren.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Week Numero Uno

As Katie might have mentioned, or as you, poor reader, may have figured out, this blog is mostly my comments on what she says. Original, I know. If you are reading my blog, read hers too, or chances are that this will make absolutely no sense to you. I'm not liable for any confusion.

I think the best place to start is at the beginning of the beginning, so back to day 1 I go...

I woke up at 5:45 all by myself. What!?!?!?!?!! Thats a big N-O for me. Anything before 6 is absolutely forbidden. After the torturous period of getting ready at such an early hour, we went off to breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day because they serve grapenuts. YUM. Grapenuts and I get along very well. They say you are what you eat...if that's true then I'm one giant grapenut covered in lettuce (we eat LOTS of salad). You know, grapenuts actually resemble bunny food so I guess you could say that KT and I have turned into rabbits for the summer. I claim albino!

Placement class was...interesting. It was done in an elimination format, so I felt like I was on American Idol or something like that. Pretending you are on American Idol usually doesn't go over very well in ballet class, though, because most teachers don't appreciate it when you decide to belt out a few lines of Bon Jovi or The Pussycat Dolls. "Dontcha wish your girlllllfriiieeend was hot like meeeeee..." yeah. That would go over really well. We could turn ballet class into glee club. They could make a TV show out of it!

Our first technique class was also interesting in its own way. As I had refrained from breaking into song, our teacher's hearing was still intact, allowing us to have a pretty normal class, minus all the yelling and forcible placing of limbs.

Lunch was boring. We had humus. I like humus.

Pointe was good. I saw my first moose in pointe that day. Said moose may have slightly resembled our pointe teacher, but thats alright.

Rehearsal was fine as well, as KT said. We were dolls. I had a good time using my "I'm-clueless-and-do-not-have-any-idea-what-is-going-on-and-look-at-my-eyes-they-are-10-times-bigger-than-my-head" face.

Our fire drill was uneventful as well as useless. Half the girls just stayed outside so that they didn't have to wait for our "alarm" to go off. Yeah. Cuz the fire is definitely just going to call them up and be like "Hey. At 2 o'clock this morning theres going to be a fire so you might want to get out at like 1:30. maybe 1 just to be safe. Ya know, just wanted to give you a heads up cuz I'm so nice and sweet and awesome like that."


I woke up today and died. My muscles literally came out of my body and stabbed me to death. They had a good tarzan yell though; "KABLAAAAAAAAAHHHHAHHHHHHHHHHHH". Something along those lines.

An interesting part of classes here is that they stop EVERY single time somebody makes a mistake. It's kinda frustrating to get to the very, very last developpe in adage and have somebody mess up. Its weird doing combinations upwards of 10 times. Because of aforementioned muscle rebellion, our technique class was especially 'fun'. Pointe was, as well. In pointe, our teacher informed KT that if she didn't improve a certain part of her center work, I would have to do 32 fouettes. I can do maybe 7 or 8 on a good day. Katie, improve. Also note that I sleep in the same room as you (therefore I know where you sleep) and yeah.

After classes we attempted to walk downtown. More like we wandered aimlessly trying to get into stores that closed hours before we arrived. I think maybe I inherited the get-lost-when-talking-on-the-phone syndrome from my mom. I love you!!! <3

Its 9:32, or, as Colonel Wylie would prefer that we say, 2132, so I ought to go. KT and I are going to watch M*A*S*H before bed. More like it will play on my computer while she sews her pointe shoes and I get up to get more swedish fish at regular intervals. I'll put a link to KT's blog.