Monday, June 28, 2010


There is a spider in my shower...his name is Ralph Lauren.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Week Numero Uno

As Katie might have mentioned, or as you, poor reader, may have figured out, this blog is mostly my comments on what she says. Original, I know. If you are reading my blog, read hers too, or chances are that this will make absolutely no sense to you. I'm not liable for any confusion.

I think the best place to start is at the beginning of the beginning, so back to day 1 I go...

I woke up at 5:45 all by myself. What!?!?!?!?!! Thats a big N-O for me. Anything before 6 is absolutely forbidden. After the torturous period of getting ready at such an early hour, we went off to breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day because they serve grapenuts. YUM. Grapenuts and I get along very well. They say you are what you eat...if that's true then I'm one giant grapenut covered in lettuce (we eat LOTS of salad). You know, grapenuts actually resemble bunny food so I guess you could say that KT and I have turned into rabbits for the summer. I claim albino!

Placement class was...interesting. It was done in an elimination format, so I felt like I was on American Idol or something like that. Pretending you are on American Idol usually doesn't go over very well in ballet class, though, because most teachers don't appreciate it when you decide to belt out a few lines of Bon Jovi or The Pussycat Dolls. "Dontcha wish your girlllllfriiieeend was hot like meeeeee..." yeah. That would go over really well. We could turn ballet class into glee club. They could make a TV show out of it!

Our first technique class was also interesting in its own way. As I had refrained from breaking into song, our teacher's hearing was still intact, allowing us to have a pretty normal class, minus all the yelling and forcible placing of limbs.

Lunch was boring. We had humus. I like humus.

Pointe was good. I saw my first moose in pointe that day. Said moose may have slightly resembled our pointe teacher, but thats alright.

Rehearsal was fine as well, as KT said. We were dolls. I had a good time using my "I'm-clueless-and-do-not-have-any-idea-what-is-going-on-and-look-at-my-eyes-they-are-10-times-bigger-than-my-head" face.

Our fire drill was uneventful as well as useless. Half the girls just stayed outside so that they didn't have to wait for our "alarm" to go off. Yeah. Cuz the fire is definitely just going to call them up and be like "Hey. At 2 o'clock this morning theres going to be a fire so you might want to get out at like 1:30. maybe 1 just to be safe. Ya know, just wanted to give you a heads up cuz I'm so nice and sweet and awesome like that."


I woke up today and died. My muscles literally came out of my body and stabbed me to death. They had a good tarzan yell though; "KABLAAAAAAAAAHHHHAHHHHHHHHHHHH". Something along those lines.

An interesting part of classes here is that they stop EVERY single time somebody makes a mistake. It's kinda frustrating to get to the very, very last developpe in adage and have somebody mess up. Its weird doing combinations upwards of 10 times. Because of aforementioned muscle rebellion, our technique class was especially 'fun'. Pointe was, as well. In pointe, our teacher informed KT that if she didn't improve a certain part of her center work, I would have to do 32 fouettes. I can do maybe 7 or 8 on a good day. Katie, improve. Also note that I sleep in the same room as you (therefore I know where you sleep) and yeah.

After classes we attempted to walk downtown. More like we wandered aimlessly trying to get into stores that closed hours before we arrived. I think maybe I inherited the get-lost-when-talking-on-the-phone syndrome from my mom. I love you!!! <3

Its 9:32, or, as Colonel Wylie would prefer that we say, 2132, so I ought to go. KT and I are going to watch M*A*S*H before bed. More like it will play on my computer while she sews her pointe shoes and I get up to get more swedish fish at regular intervals. I'll put a link to KT's blog.